Generally numbers or names are given to the table and this is a very common way to identify a particular table. These table numbers could be given in many interesting ways. I love to give the tables some funny names or numbers that matches with the event theme.
Here are some innovative ideas to identify your table which can add some entertainment and excitement to your event. Also this will open more design or décor options for you event.
Some common ways to number the tables
1. Flowers name
If it is a wedding, birthday party, anniversary or any any event you can give flowers name to all guests table. Rose garden table, Lilly etc
2. Movies name
Here I believe is the best way to identify your table. This is the best idea if your event is on bollywood theme. Table name is given as per the movie's name such as Ra-One, Rockstar etc
3. Colors name
Colors name can be given to the table. If you are planning any multicolored theme wedding then you can use colors name to identify your tables.
4.Destination name
Your guests can identify their table by any specific destination's name. Such as Dilli, Mumbai or it could be New York, London etc.
Choose unique names for tables based on a shared hobby, sports, gemstones, favorite restaurants, favorite singer pastimes or even street name if bride and groom is from one city.